Using LinkedIn to Further Your Career and Find Security Guard Jobs

Jan 28 • Career Advice, Featured, Security Guard • 10481 Views • No Comments on Using LinkedIn to Further Your Career and Find Security Guard Jobs

LinkedIn is a wonderful resource for anyone no matter what career they are pursuing.

For those of you who are unaware of what the site is all about, LinkedIn is basically a social media tool directed at professionals. It is a way to connect with others involved with your line of work, seek out potential employers and likewise, companies and employers can seek out you.

There are many guides on how to set up a LinkedIn profile so we won’t go into that here.

However, assuming you are just little bit internet savvy (i.e you were able to set up your Facebook profile) you will be able to have a LinkedIn profile up in no time.

The important part is to think carefully about what you write. The following are some of the most important areas to consider when creating your profile.


Your LinkedIn Profile

You will need to create the best profile you possible can if you want to land a security guard job through LinkedIn.

There are several things you can do to make the best use of your LinkedIn profile when you are searching for security guard jobs.
  • Make sure you have a profile picture. Nothing communicates a more half-arsed LinkedIn profile than someone that hasn’t bothered to upload a picture. Your profile picture should be professional. It shouldn’t be one of you down the pub with your mates. Your picture will be a point of first impression for any potential employer; it will help them decide whether you look right for their company or not. There is no need to be dressed in a uniform – the important issue is that you look smart and professional as well as approachable.


  • The summary section is very important. Try to incorporate all your best skills and experiences into this area, without being to long. If you are using LinkedIn to try to obtain your first security guard job, show that you have the relevant skills by giving details of previous jobs in other fields. The main ones to include are: good communication skills, good thinking skills, and are physically fit? These are vital for anyone looking for security guard jobs.


  • Use the tags to highlight your skills. These tags are like keywords that will help potential employers to find you.


Make Connections

After creating your profile it is time to start connecting with people.

You can find people just by tapping in their name. You might also look for them by searching via company staff members.

Look for people that you have worked for in the past or currently work with, (assuming you don’t mind them knowing you are actively job searching). Once you connect with these people you can ask them to recommend you. (More on that below)


Seek out groups that you think will help you find security guard jobs.

There are many groups on LinkedIn. Some are just for job hunters, others will actually geared specifically to the security industry and security guard jobs. This focus can even be specific to regions too.

Once you have joined some groups it is important that you start participating.

Read threads, comment where you can and ask relevant questions. Be helpful and engage without being too forceful. When you see someone that seems approachable, why not go ahead and send them a message.


Using LinkedIn over the Long Term

The fact is, once you have covered all the above steps and are fully up and running, the more time you put into using LinkedIn and the more time you engage with other users, the higher the chances you will have of finding your next security guard role.

The below tips will enable you to use LinkedIn and its features with greater effect:

Get Recommendations

We briefly mentioned these above; recommendations act like referrals on LinkedIn and are very important. You get these from people you are connected with.

A good recommendation will show potential future employers that you are qualified and will add value.

You have to be careful where your recommendations come from however. It is no use opting for any old recommendation just to fill up a quota. Carefully consider those that you want to write one for you.

You should ask people that you have actually worked with in the past. A former colleague or your actual boss, either is fine.

When writing to them to ask for a recommendation you can always hint as to the what you would like them to say.

For example, there is nothing stopping you from writing a message such as this:

Hi Phil,

I am currently on the look out for a security guard job and it would be great if you were able to leave me a recommendation.

It wouldn’t need to be very long as it only needs to cover the fact that we worked together at XYZ company. Do you remember that time I had to calm down that customer that was upset because of product delays?

If you are stuck for what to say, you could always mention that. The communications skills that I used to solve that situation are just the sort of thing that my future employers would be interested in.

Thanks for your time,


If writing to an old boss, you might have to be slightly more formal than the above, it really does depend on the sort of relationship you had with the person in question.


Follow Companies

The beauty of LinkedIn is that you can follow companies as well as individuals.

It is no secret that many major companies have a LinkedIn profile in order to raise awareness of their existence, and to communicate with potential recruits.

As soon as you have your LinkedIn profile as you want it, (ie all your details thoroughly filled out) you should begin searching for companies you would be interested in working for.

If you find them, you will be able to follow the company and find out some very useful details about them.

Information such as how many employees work at the company will be available. You can also learn about the types of people that work for the company, and be most important of all, be immediately updated when new jobs are opening.

All this information will be useful if you make it to the interview stage.

Connect with HR Managers

Another focus for creating connections on LinkedIn is to follow HR Managers.

By connecting with them you can learn about what’s going on as far as recruitment goes and when they are looking for potential hires.

You will also be able to ask them questions and share information with them. Be subtle (you don’t want to seem as if you are only connecting to sniff out a job from them), demonstrate through your profile and updates that you are an excellent candidate, not by emailing and begging for work


Bottom Line

LinkedIn is an excellent resource that you really should be making the most of. It is a place to learn, observe, ask questions, and connect with individuals, all moves that can help you when looking for that next security guard role.

Remember, many jobs today are found because of the networks that are built up and by being in the know. If you are not connected you could be missing out, so start creating your LinkedIn profile today…

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