• security guard in public

    Working as a security guard and the importance of good customer service

    Mar 22 • Security Guard • 15898 Views

    It is clear that the first role of a security guard is to protect the public and the property that they been assigned to.

    However, to think that is far as the responsibility goes would be wrong. While on the job, most security guards will need to deal with the pubic face to face on a daily basis.

    Because of this, it can be said that a security guard job and customer service go hand in hand. Understanding what good customer service is will only help make you a better security guard.

    So let’s take a look at exactly what that means…

    security guard in public

    The Customers Should always come first

    As your job as a protector of people and property, the customer always has to come first. Whether that be your employer or merely a member of the public that happens to be within your protective jurisdiction.

    You are employed as a security guard to ensure that the customer is safe and that no harm comes to them.

    The nature of this relationship means that you will often find yourself chatting to them, polite conversation is all part of the job. They will talk to you, may ask for advice or directions and guidance, you need to be responsive to this.

    By being helpful and ready to engage with your customers you will instil confidence in them and make them feel relaxed. In short, they will feel like they are in safe hands.

    guard with member of the public

    Listening to The Customer

    To follow on from the above point, you have to listen to the customer. During your shift as a security guard you will be asked questions and members of the public will expect helpful answers. You can only provide this if you listen to what it is they are after.

    Listening is a major skill you will need to have in order to be successful as a security guard. The better you can listen to those around you, (both the public and your colleagues) the better you can help serve them.

    Security-Guard-Training problem solving

    Problem Solving

    The nature of the job means that you run into some very interesting scenarios.

    A working security guard may have to call the police for further investigation. You may also have to report what happened.

    Before the police arrive you may be required to listen to several different “customers” at once. Your problem solving skills and ability to organise will be very useful here.

    Communicating with the public and colleagues

    Good communication skills are a vital part of any job these days – being a security guard is no different. If you can communicate well with your customers and colleagues, they and you will only benefit.

    Communication is an important aspect of your job because it helps people do their job faster.

    For example; in a situation where someone may have been hurt (and they need help right away), you can use your customer service and communication skills to ensure that they get help quickly and efficiently.

    Texans 49ers Football

    Security Guards and Customer Service

    When you embark on a career as a security guard you have to be prepared with customer service skills. As we have covered above, these skills include listening, communicating, and problem solving.

    If a customer comes to you with a problem they may be upset and talking quickly and some times make little sense. At this point you will need to pull upon your skills to try and decipher what they are saying. You will need to use your communication skills to calm them down and obtain the vital information in order to help them.

    You also need to be patient. If you work at building where there is a steady stream of people coming and going, (one of the worst scenarios is if your work location is set up as a collection point for a virtual postbox service; night or day you can expect people arriving to pick up parcels – I know because I have been there), no matter how tired you are you have to try and remain helpful.

    If you can do this, you are on the road to being a great security guard.

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  • Unexpected Threats – Why A Security Guard Must Keep Alert At All Times

    Mar 24 • News • 9901 Views

    This recent news story helps demonstrate why it is important for a security guard to remain alert to even the most unexpected of threats.

    Security guard Andy Stringer, 33, from Hornchurch Essex recently stepped in to prevent an 80 year old woman being conned by two other women asking her for directions. It all took place outside the Tesco branch where he works on Hornchurch Road.

    featured image

    Tesco secuity staff Neil Connelly and his manager Andy Stringer in front of the store in Hornchurch Road, Roneo Corner

    Using a map and bunch of flowers the two women attempted to distract the 80 year old, while allegedly trying to swap her bank card with another.

    Mr Stringer said: “It’s disgusting that thieves target vulnerable people – they wouldn’t target someone like me.”

    The victim who remains anonymous, said that one of the con-women asked for a pen and paper, while the other “pushed” a bunch of flowers in her face to cause further distraction.

    Mr Stringer kept a close eye on all of this as it unfolded. It was then that he saw one of the women exchange the victim’s purple Natwest bank card, which she was still holding, with a similar card.

    The women were then detained and the police were called. On viewing the shop’s CCTV, it was evident that the security guard’s suspicions had been correct. The police arrested the suspected thieves, while the victim was comforted in the store with tea and cake.

    The woman told the Romford Recorder: “Needless to say I was quite shaken and was very grateful for the support and kindness with which I was treated by Tesco staff.”

    Mr Stringer said “looking after customers and protecting them – that I really love. I have made a difference to their lives.”

    His awareness of the situation and actions that he took are highly commendable, and have stopped a pair of local scam artists in their tracks.

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  • Security Guarding: Gated Communities and Residential Apartments

    May 11 • Security Guard • 9739 Views

    Within large cities such as London and Manchester, security-guarding opportunities exist within gated communities and expensive residential apartments.

    More than anything, security in these circumstances is to provide peace of mind for those that have paid high purchase prices for their apartment, or that pay astronomical rents to actually live there.

    Such people are also likely to have expensive items within their home, so the added aspect of manned front desk security is something they are will to pay extra for.

    So what does that mean for a security guard working in such an environment?

    Let’s take a look…

    The owner of this apartment will expect top notch building security

    The owner of this apartment will expect top notch building security

    Working as a Security Guard of Residential Property

    Generally it will be the property managers that are in charge of your employment, or have sourced you from whatever agency you work for.

    Unfortunately many such management companies pay little time to implement a comprehensive security plan for their property.

    Leaving you to work things out for yourself. If this is the case, you need to speak up.

    If the property manager has little idea on how to incorporate security planning into the daily routine of property management, they need to made aware of the importance, and make the necessary changes.

    Providing adequate security for rental housing should be taken seriously, and is a key aspect in the prevention of crime upon the property.

    The police as we know are stretched thin within the major cities of the U.K. Manned guarding very much helps in this regard.


    A Residential Security Plan

    A good security plan will be fully integrated into the daily management routine.

    The effectiveness of the security being carried out, will then act as deterrent to any bad residents, and criminal types that may have their sights on causing issue.

    Any potential troublemakers will feel uncomfortable living or plying their anti-social trade in this highly attentive environment. And attention is the key issue here – your role as a security guard is to be the eyes of the operation.

    Your attention will go a long way to preventing any criminal activity from taking place.

    The Ten-Step Apartment Security Plan

    So what are the ten steps of a successful Apartment Security plan?
    • Step – 1: Make a Commitment
    • Step – 2: Partnership with Law Enforcement
    • Step – 3: Security Management Training
    • Step – 4: Crime Risk Assessment
    • Step – 5: Physical Security Solutions
    • Step – 6: People Solutions
    • Step – 7: Policy and Procedure Solutions
    • Step – 8: Develop a Security Plan of Action
    • Step – 9: Community Involvement
    • Step-10: Maintain the Standards

    There are many benefits to the successful implementation of a security plan. It will make your job as a security guard a whole lot easier for one.

    Benefits include:
    • Crisis management due to frequent crime problems will become rare events.
    • High resident turnover due to fear of crime will return to normal. Maintenance costs due to vandalism and unit abuse will be substantially reduced.
    • Exposure to premises liability will be minimized. Occupancy levels will increase and stabilize at a desirable level.

    Working in collaboration with the residential managers, if the above steps are followed, you will have a safer residential apartment, and you will be working in a border-line incident free environment.

    Your tenants, and your managers will be all the happier for it.

    [Source material for the 10 step apartment security plan comes from a very helpful article over at Crimedoctor.com]

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  • Royal Close Protection Officers Under Investigation

    Apr 19 • Close Protection Officer, News • 11391 Views

    Even elite close protection officers find themselves under scrutiny from time to time.

    The elite armed police officers, (those that are trained to protect the Royal Family) are being investigated over the way they have conducted security checks at Buckingham Place, and the resulting mismanagement of items confiscated from visitors.

    Four trained close protection operatives from the SO14 Protection Command, (a branch of the police force) are facing inquiry, with one sergeant placed on restrictive duties.

    Close Protection Duties

    As part of their close protection duties for the royal family, the officers confiscated items belonging to tourists, where they were then placed in ‘weapons disposal bins’.

    The Sunday Mirror has released the scandal, with the newspaper claiming that these items went missing from the bins before appearing on eBay.

    I don’t think that was in the close protection training handbook do you? What’s more, surely these officers earn enough money as high ranking close protection operatives, with out the need to sell second hand items online…

    A Scotland Yard spokesman has released a statement saying: “Four officers, three sergeants and one Pc, are the subject of the Directorate of Professional Standards investigations.”

    At this point in time, no one has been arrested or suspended in connection with the investigation.

    Close Protection Security Checks

    Security checks are an important aspect of any major tourist attraction these days, none more so than anything with proximity to the Royal Family. This incident comes as a bit of an embarrassment to the highly regarded close protection team in charge of protecting the Royals.

    We have covered the SO14’s expertise elsewhere on the HUB. The skills developed by the team back in the 70’s form part of the close protection training that goes on all over the world. One would not think they would stoop as low as pawning small knives and scissors, (a large portion of which are confiscated) to make an extra buck.

    Further embarrassment took place earlier this year when the Duke of York was wandering the palace grounds only to be accosted by members of the elite close protection team who thought he was an intruder.

    In typical style of the Duke, he was reported as saying “Do you know who I am?” A cool response to heavily armed close protection officers that had just ordered him to put his hands above his head.

    Twenty members of the Royal family are guarded by SO14’s “close protection team”, let’s hope there are not anymore mistakes to follow.

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  • CCTV control_room

    The Ultimate SIA CCTV Licence & Training Guide

    Mar 6 • CCTV Operations, Featured • 21717 Views

    Obviously you have reached this page because you want to pass your SIA CCTV Training and apply for your licence to become a CCTV operator. Well we are pleased to say you are in the right place.

    This article will provide all the information you need, from what licence you need to become a CCTV operator, to the kinds of training you will need to go through, and ultimately how to land that first CCTV job.

    The Sia CCTV Licence

    One of the first steps is to look into the requirements of the SIA CCTV licence, and whether you will be eligible for one.

    There are two types of SIA licences available; one is required for front line security personnel, the other for non front line personnel such as supervisors. To become a CCTV Operator you will need a front line SIA licence.

    The front line SIA Licence is credit card-sized plastic card that must be visibly worn by all frontline security personnel while on duty.

    To be eligible for an SIA licence you must be over 18 and have legal rights to work in the U.K

    Before applying for the licence you will need to have passed the SIA training course in CCTV operations and will need to clear the SIA criminality checks.

    Head here find out more about the SIA criminality checks.

    sia licence cards

    How much will it cost?

    A front line 3-year SIA licence application will cost £220

    The SIA licence cost is payable to the SIA and will cover the cost of them processing your application. Remember, fees are non refundable so make sure you have all your documents in place.

    How long will it take?

    The SIA website boasts of processing a minimum of 80% (correctly completed) applications within 25 working days.

    If your application is of a more complicated nature, i.e it requires further criminality checks or foreign qualification enquiries the application may take longer to process.

    SIA Licence Integration

    In some circumstances the SIA will allow for more than one licensable activity to be carried out under the same licence application. You can find out more on Licence integration Here.

    The SIA ‘Get Licensed’ Booklet

    The SIA publish a comprehensive, ‘Get Licensed’ booklet containing all the information about SIA licensing that you will find on this site. Download it Here.

    SIA CCTV Course Training

    SIA CCTV Training

    Before you can apply for your SIA CCTV licence, you will need to pass the relevant CCTV training course.

    Fortunately there are hundreds of CCTV training providers based all over the UK. You will want to ensure that the training centre you choose is SIA approved.

    The best place to find an SIA approved CCTV Training provider is to head straight to the SIA website. There you can use their online database to search the available courses near you.

    The SIA CCTV Course

    To become a CCTV operator, you will need to pass what is called the Public Space Surveillance course. (Commonly known as the CCTV Course).

    The CCTV course involves two training modules. At the end of each module is an exam that you must pass in order to be able to apply for your licence.

    Depending on the training provider you choose, the course may be delivered over four days or during weekends and/or evening sessions. The public space surveillance training course should last approximately 32 hours in face to face teacher / tutor time.

    CCTV Course

    1. Core Learning and Qualifications for a CCTV Course (Public Space Surveillance)

    To give you a better understanding on what is covered on the course and what you will be expected to learn, we have laid out the core modules for you to read.

    At the end of this section, you will also find some example exam papers that have actually been used on the CCTV training course in the past.

    2. Licence Core Learning for Common Security Industry Knowledge (10 hours)

    Session 1: Awareness of the Law in the Private Security Industry

    Session 2: Health and Safety for the Private Security Operative

    Session 3: Fire Safety Awareness

    Session 4: Emergency Procedures

    Session 5: The Private Security Industry

    Session 6: Communication Skills and Customer Care

    3. CCTV Operations (Public Space Surveillance) Specialist Module (22 hours)

    Session 1: Introduction to the Roles and Responsibilities of the CCTV Operator and other CCTV Staff
    Session 2: Codes of Practice, Operational Procedures and Guidelines
    Session 3: CCTV Equipment and its Operation
    Session 4: Control Room Communications and Access Control
    Session 5: Legislation
    Session 6: Dealing with Incidents
    Session 7: CCTV Surveillance Techniques
    Session 8: Emergency Procedures in the CCTV Control Room
    Session 9: Health and Safety at Work in the CCTV Environment

    CCTV Course Exam Papers

    CCTV examination papers

    The SIA CCTV examination a level two course. Just to confuse matters for applicants, the SIA licencing qualifications are such that there is no level 1 or 3 that needs to be obtained.

    The CCTV course examination has three modules of assessment:

    1. Working in private security industry examination

    This examination is conducted via a written multiple-choice examination paper. The number of questions can differ, depending on the awarding body being used. The examination is usually 45 minutes in duration with the pass mark being set at 75 % marks. This is a standard test for those looking to gain their SIA licence.

    2. Working as a CCTV operator examination paper

    The assessment is a paper-based exam, again via multiple-choice questions. It is obviously specific to the CCTV course. There are 30 to 40 questions within this exam, and the duration is generally 60 minutes. Again you will need to achieve a 75% score of above to successfully pass the exam.

    3. CCTV operator practical assessment

    As a major part of being a CCTV operator involves the practice use of equipment, you will be tested on your expertise with the relevant CCTV technology.

    Assessment techniques include building a portfolio of evidence detailing your competency while completing the course.

    CCTV control_room

    CCTV Course Practical Assessment

    The Practical CCTV Training exam can be very daunting. Not only do you have to remember what you have learned, you have to demonstrate it practically to an assessor who is examining your every move. Knowing what the examiner is marking you on is half the battle.

    So what it is it you will be marked on when taking this exam?

    To help you find out we have got our hands on a HABC CCTV Practical Assessment Form.

    When you step up to take the Practical Operation of CCTV Equipment course, (via the HABC) your Assessor will be holding one of these. So what exactly are they testing you on?

    The first part of the assessment tests your ability to operate the equipment.

    Using 7 different assessment criteria the instructor will expect you to show the following:
    • Demonstrate how to conduct functional checks of the CCTV equipment.
    • Explain the equipment fault reporting procedures.
    • Demonstrate the correct use of keypads and joysticks to operate the cameras, monitors and associated equipment.
    • Demonstrate and/or explain how to overcome poor weather, lighting and positioning.
    • Demonstrate how to produce images of sufficient quality for evidential purposes.
    • Demonstrate how to record images onto storage media in an evidentially sound manner.
    • Complete relevant documentation associated with an incident.

    Clearly you will have covered this throughout your training, and it is just a case of being systematic in your approach to all the tasks at hand. Much like you would as a working CCTV operator.

    The second part of the assessment is focused on the candidate being able to demonstrate using the equipment in an operational environment.

    This area of assessment is broken into 8 parts. You will be expected to:

    Again, all such techniques will be learned through out your CCTV course. The assessment allows for candidates to explain their actions and thought processes while undertaking the tasks at hand.

    The Tutor will be able to give you feedback on the decisions that you made in order for you to see where you have applied the training correctly, and where you might have missed something, or veered from what was important.

    CCTV Course Practice Exams

    Below are links to example CCTV course exam papers:


    Have you taken this course recently? How would you rate your training provider? Did you enjoy the course, was it worthwhile? Or maybe you are thinking about taking the course and have some questions the community might be able to help with. Please feel free to leave comments and thoughts about the current CCTV Operator training programme.

    sia licence cards

    Applying For Your SIA CCTV Licence

    Once you have successfully passed your CCTV operator course, it is time to apply for your SIA CCTV Licence.

    The important issue here is to read the application form carefully, and make sure you fill everything in correctly, while at the same time providing all the necessary documentation.

    What documents do I need?

    The SIA requires that you send documents to identity yourself and for evidence of your current address. To do this you can send either:

    • Two identity documents from group A. One of the documents must show your address and at least one must show your date of birth.


    • One identity document from group A and two documents from group B. Again the same as above applies, at least one document showing your address, the other your date of birth.

    Click here to see what are valid Group A and B SIA Licence documents.

    Any documents you send to the SIA will be returned to you by courier or post.

    The following rules apply to any documents that are sent with your SIA Licence application:
    • All documents must be originals
    • The documents you send must confirm your correct name, current address and date of birth.
    • Remove all documents from plastic holders, sleeves and wallets etc
    • All documents must be in English, (or be translated from an approved translator)

    You will also need a passport photograph of yourself. The same rules apply as for when you have your passport photograph taken, (45mm x 35mm in size) front profile with face filling most of image, plain background etc.

    This photograph will be the one on your Licence should your application be successful.

    Post office sia licence application process

    The new SIA Licence application process explained

    The process of applying or renewing your SIA Licence is about to be streamlined with the aid of the Post Office.

    Thanks to new procedures put into place during autumn of 2013, you can now have your documents and photograph checked at your local post office.

    The SIA has stated that the new SIA licence application procedure, (ie having them conducted face to face at the post office), will help prevent administrative errors and will also reduce the amount of rejected applications and the possibility of fraud.

    This new Post Office service shows that the organization, which celebrates 10 years of service this year, is continuing to make innovative changes for the good of the security industry.

    The new Post Office application process step-by-step

    The new application system will work in the following way:

    1. You will apply for a licence by logging on to the SIA website and entering your application details online (currently applicants have to download and print the online form)
    1. Using the SIA online system you will be instructed what documents you need to supply.
    1. You will then be able to visit your local Post Office where they will have access to your online details. This will be checked against the supporting documents you have brought with you. This means you will no longer have to send important documents through the post to the SIA.
    1. The Post Office will then take a photograph of you and create a digital version of your signature.
    1. You will then pay the Post Office directly for your licence application. There is no extra fee for applying using this method.
    1. The Post Office will then send an electronic version of your licence details to the SIA.
    1. If the application is successful you will receive your licence through the post in a matter of weeks.

    How to pay for your SIA CCTV Licence

    The SIA licensing department accepts UK bank cheques, and payments from debit/credit cards registered in the UK. (Cheques from foreign bank accounts cannot be accepted, nor can credit cards that are billed or registered outside the UK.)

    SIA Licence Cost – Handy Money Saver Information

    • Paying your own SIA licence cost? You will be able to claim tax relief against your taxable income – For more info visit the HMRC website
    • Need more than one licence? Get 50% off the cost of your second licence. More info Here

    Congratulations, you have now successfully passed the CCTV course and applied for your SIA licence.

    Once your new licence has arrived in the post, it is time to start looking for that first CCTV operator job.

    cctv jobs beginning your career

    CCTV Operator Jobs – How to get employed

    Looking to find open CCTV vacancies need not be a chore. There are a number of avenues open to you in pursuit of your next CCTV job, whether it be as an operator or installer.

    These days the majority of CCTV vacancies will be advertised on the Internet. One of the best online resources for CCTV jobs would definitely have to be www.jobsindeed.co.uk. To search available CCTV vacancies right away, just hit the link below.

    There are of course a huge amount of jobs sites you can visit. The beauty of the Indeed website is that it acts a search engine. Place your postcode as part of the search attribute and you will find all CCTV vacancies available in your area, (within a mile radius that you can also set depending on how far you are willing to travel).

    If you do wish to use additional websites for your search, we would recommend the following job search sites as well: www.monstor.co.uk and www.jobsite.co.uk.

    1. Security Recruitment Companies

    Fully fledged job search sites are just one option open to you. There are also security industry websites, and specific security recruitment firms that too could be approached when looking for a CCTV position.

    The largest security recruitment companies will definitely have a number of CCTV positions available at any one time. Sign yourself up online, send across the CV and get them working for you, in the pursuit of your next CCTV job role.

    Websites to check out include:


    This gives you a searchable list of security recruitment agencies in your area.


    A dedicated security recruitment company.


    An excellent resource for security jobs, including CCTV positions. The site also gives candidates the option to post their CV. Helpful guides and news items also form part of the website.


    Another dedicated security job recruitment company with a great reputation within the industry.


    Does exactly what it says on the tin – a dedicated recruitment security jobs board.

    job-centre cctv jobs available

    2. Local Job Centre & Government Agencies

    It is no secret that the biggest investors in CCTV technology are local councils. Across the UK local authorities account for over 75% of expenditure in CCTV operations and technology.

    So, if you’re looking for CCTV vacancies – your local job centre (or www.jobsearch.direct.gov.uk) should be the first place you look. Your local council will certainly advertise any positions there, alongside the recruitment page of its own site (if it has one).

    3. Installers & Suppliers

    One of the best ways to search for a CCTV company if you work as part of the equipment supply chain is by heading to www.bsia.co.uk

    There on their find search for a company page, you can actually refine your search by sector, (CCTV) and then by activity type, (installer or manufacturer).

    You can then select your area and you will be treated to all the companies within traveling distance in a nice long list. It includes web addresses and phone numbers and a description of what they do.

    If you’re looking for a CCTV vacancy, there is often no better way than contacting companies directly, handing in your CV, arranging a meeting if possible and ultimately getting yourself on their radar.

    Interview-cctv jobs be prepared

    What are recruiters looking for?

    Here at SIA Licence hub, we often scour the internet in the attempt to find and collect useful information for our visitors. To this end we recently came across a document from the UK Home Office profiling the recruitment and selection of CCTV operators. It is somewhat old now, (published in 1998), however it does give valuable insight into the skills required and what recruiters look for when employing a CCTV Operator.

    There is a whole chapter on ‘Assessment Methods for the Selection of CCTV Operators”, with sections such as: Initial sifting stage, competency assessments, interviews, eye screening tests etc.

    As background reading for someone who is wanting to gain the SIA licence (and obviously complete the relevant SIA Training), this is a valuable resource. Furthermore, if you are applying for a CCTV Operating job, what better way of preparing your application by viewing the situation through the recruiter’s eyes. Tailor your performance to fit the proposed ideal candidate. This document will definitely give you a head start.

    Alternatively, those looking to recruit CCTV Operators will have Home Office Guidance on what exactly you should be looking for.

    LINK: Home Office: Recruitment and Selection of CCTV Operators document.

    And there you have it – hopefully by the time you have gone through all the steps of this article, you will be working as a fully accredited, SIA licencsed CCTV operator and enjoying your new career.

    If you would like to leave any comments regarding this guide, have any questions or suggestions on how it might be better, please leave them below.

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  • Dealing With Trespassers as a Security Guard

    Feb 4 • Security Guard • 26866 Views

    It is important to know the law when it comes to dealing with trespassers as a security guard. The fact is, trespassing is not a criminal offence in the UK. Furthermore, security guards do not have any powers of arrest.

    Under English law, trespassing is a civil offence and to a certain extent there is actually very little you can do in legal terms.

    That does not mean you are entirely powerless however. There are certain actions you can take in order to remove the person from the area of trespass.

    These steps are important ones to take if you suspect someone is trespassing on ground that you are employed to guard.


    Steps a security Guard Should Take Against Trespassers
    • Firstly, you should confirm that the person is actually trespassing. If your employer has given permission to the individual to be there, (but failed to inform security), the person will not be trespassing. You will want to avoid any embarrassing situation where you have banished an important company client from the property, in the belief that they were trespassing.
    • If the individual is a trespasser, and did so without realising, it is important to remain calm and polite with the person. There is no reason for any undue alarm or over reaction, (assuming they agree to leave with out any issue.)
    • When removing a trespasser, you should escort them out of the nearest exit. You can also use this time to explain the civil ramifications of them trespassing and aim to prevent them from ever doing so on the property again.

    When can a security guard forcibly remove a trespasser?

    Assuming you have confirmed that the person is definitely trespassing, and if they refuse to leave when told of the fact, the law is on the security guard’s side when it comes to forcibly removing an individual from the area of trespass.

    However, the important legal issue of ‘reasonable force’ applies here.

    reasonable force on trespassersWhat is Reasonable Force?

    This is very important question, that is discussed in court on a regular basis when it comes to situations of conflict and physical force is applied.

    In the context of a security guard removing a person from an area of trespass, it does depend on the level of aggression you are facing from the individual.

    If they are acting very aggressively, and you have to use more intense force in order to counter then this would be reasonable.

    If on the other hand the person is only verbally refusing to leave, but walks with you when prompted, it would be unreasonable to begin shoving and pulling on the individual.

    It is always preferred to have a security guard colleague with you whenever you have to physically apprehend a member of the public. This can be important for evidence and support should the issue ever reach such a stage.

    Dealing with an Aggressive Trespasser

    In some instances, if the trespasser is being violent and uncooperative, it will be necessary to call the police.

    When making that call, a security guard should give as much detail as they can under the circumstances. Make the police aware of what it is they are responding to.

    If the trespasser is unstable, or even acted further in a criminal way, (i.e potential assault against you or others, or attempted property theft) these issues should be reported, either over the phone or on police arrival.

    incident Report-Writing-Security guard

    The importance of Record Keeping

    With the prevalence of CCTV it may be that yours and the actions of the trespasser are captured on camera.

    To go alongside any evidence such as CCTV footage, you will have to write up an incident report. You should do this as soon as possible after the event when the details are fresh in your mind.

    Make use of the documents that your employer provides, and attempt to dot all the I’s so to speak. In other words, do everything by the book.

    This way you will save yourself any undue complication, should the incident be taken any further. Your records would then be studied by the relevant authorities and you will want them to be as detailed as possible.

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  • security searches

    Security Guard Search Procedures

    Feb 2 • Security Guard • 41333 Views

    One aspect of the job that all security guards will have to conduct at one time or another is a security search. This will involve searching bodies, property (ie bags) vehicles or even buildings.

    Clearly the type of environment you work as a security guard will determine the extent and how often you need to search someone.

    An airport security guard will spend the majority of his day carrying out security searches. It is vital for the role, and extra on-the-job training will often be given if you are a first time airport security guard.

    Nonetheless, there are some basic rules that you should understand when it comes to conducting security searches, no matter what area you work as a security officer.

    security searches

    Are you permitted to make a search?

    It is very important that you know the full extent of your powers to conduct a security search.

    Find out from your supervisor or assignment instructions whether it is part of your job responsibility.

    If it isn’t, when a search needs to be made, you will need to call the help of the person that is responsible for doing so. Do not get your self into potential legal trouble by conducting body searches if you are not supposed to.

    Is the Person Aware That Searches Are Necessary?

    Are you working in an area where the member of the public is aware that a search will be necessary? Taking the airport example, a body and property search is all part of the security protocol. When a person is aware that they will be searched, they are obviously a whole lot more amenable.

    If it comes as a surprise to them, you, your colleagues and your employer need to address this with better communication.

    Discretion is also key, especially when dealing with a public figure. It is often good practice to conduct such a search in private. Even then it can be difficult to save the subject from embarrassment if they have already been recognised.


    For example, Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons was reportedly subjected to a strip-search by airport security who considered him a suspicious character.

    As he was led away to be searched, a little boy cried out, “Ha, ha!” in imitation of Nelson on The Simpsons. Groening found the boy’s mockery the most irritating thing about the incident.

    Although the same rules apply to every individual, a degree of common sense should be applied in the understanding that people’s circumstances do vary.

    security searches 2

    Getting Consent Before The Search

    As an extension of the above, if you are conducting searches at the entrance to a building you should not just grab a person’s bag and start the search. Inform them that a search is necessary and ask to take their bag in order to make the search.

    If the person does not consent to this, (which they are perfectly entitled to do), you can prevent them from entering the building.

    The Different Kinds of Security Searches

    security searches 3


    As we have already mentioned, certain premises will call for the search of visitors. Either everyone such as an airport, or at random as entry to a night club. In a club it could be that a person is carrying a concealed weapon like a boot knife, so it is important to be as thorough as possible. Know the policy where you are working so that you can carry out the correct security search procedures.


    This will often be done at the same time as a search of a person. Again the frequency, (either everyone or random) is determined by the policy where you are working.

    Thai security guards check a car at the entrance of the Israeli embassy building in central Bangkok


    Certain premises will require a vehicle check too. Most obviously international customs, or secure entrances to important government buildings.

    Types of Security Search


    This is the standard security policy as governed by your employer and / or wider national regulations. These will be clearly stated in your assignement instructions and made clear as part of your induction to the security role. They will often be conducted on a daily basis.


    If a specific piece of information or a revelation is made on a security issue, search protocol may change in response to it.

    How to Correctly Conduct a Security Search

    The security guard must be professional when conducting a security search, it is important to be mindful of the fact it is an intrusive procedure and you are relying on permission to carry out the search.

    The following points are worth remembering:
    • Where relevant, as permission before conducting a search
    • Show respect and empathy through out the search process. Some people may feel very uncomfortable, others may have mobility issues – both of which should be considered.
    • During each search you are representing the company you work for.
    • Keep a steady control of the process and do not allow others to interfere.
    • If possible conduct the search where others cannot observe

    Standard Protocol When Conducting A Security Search
    • The individual you are searching should be allowed to assist by emptying their bag and pocket and removing items of clothing such as their jacket.
    • Wherever possible, same sex searches should be conducted. This helps where a person may be embarrassed about being searched.
    • If at all possible, have a colleague with you during a search. This will help serve as a witness should a person accuse anyone of misconduct as a result of the search.
    • Take care that the correct environment is made for the search, as well as be wary of individual needs. For instance, where a religious garment may need to be removed, or a person has mobility issues, sensitivity and empathy is key.

    What to do if a discovery is made

    Again, the procedures outlined for your specific role and work place will dictate the correct course of action should you find anything as a result of a search.

    The following points are worth remembering:
    • Contacting management
    • Confiscating the items found
    • Contacting the police if deemed necessary, (although your manager will often make this decision)
    • Provide an incident report after the event

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  • Using LinkedIn to Further Your Career and Find Security Guard Jobs

    Jan 28 • Career Advice, Featured, Security Guard • 10480 Views

    LinkedIn is a wonderful resource for anyone no matter what career they are pursuing.

    For those of you who are unaware of what the site is all about, LinkedIn is basically a social media tool directed at professionals. It is a way to connect with others involved with your line of work, seek out potential employers and likewise, companies and employers can seek out you.

    There are many guides on how to set up a LinkedIn profile so we won’t go into that here.

    However, assuming you are just little bit internet savvy (i.e you were able to set up your Facebook profile) you will be able to have a LinkedIn profile up in no time.

    The important part is to think carefully about what you write. The following are some of the most important areas to consider when creating your profile.


    Your LinkedIn Profile

    You will need to create the best profile you possible can if you want to land a security guard job through LinkedIn.

    There are several things you can do to make the best use of your LinkedIn profile when you are searching for security guard jobs.
    • Make sure you have a profile picture. Nothing communicates a more half-arsed LinkedIn profile than someone that hasn’t bothered to upload a picture. Your profile picture should be professional. It shouldn’t be one of you down the pub with your mates. Your picture will be a point of first impression for any potential employer; it will help them decide whether you look right for their company or not. There is no need to be dressed in a uniform – the important issue is that you look smart and professional as well as approachable.


    • The summary section is very important. Try to incorporate all your best skills and experiences into this area, without being to long. If you are using LinkedIn to try to obtain your first security guard job, show that you have the relevant skills by giving details of previous jobs in other fields. The main ones to include are: good communication skills, good thinking skills, and are physically fit? These are vital for anyone looking for security guard jobs.


    • Use the tags to highlight your skills. These tags are like keywords that will help potential employers to find you.


    Make Connections

    After creating your profile it is time to start connecting with people.

    You can find people just by tapping in their name. You might also look for them by searching via company staff members.

    Look for people that you have worked for in the past or currently work with, (assuming you don’t mind them knowing you are actively job searching). Once you connect with these people you can ask them to recommend you. (More on that below)


    Seek out groups that you think will help you find security guard jobs.

    There are many groups on LinkedIn. Some are just for job hunters, others will actually geared specifically to the security industry and security guard jobs. This focus can even be specific to regions too.

    Once you have joined some groups it is important that you start participating.

    Read threads, comment where you can and ask relevant questions. Be helpful and engage without being too forceful. When you see someone that seems approachable, why not go ahead and send them a message.


    Using LinkedIn over the Long Term

    The fact is, once you have covered all the above steps and are fully up and running, the more time you put into using LinkedIn and the more time you engage with other users, the higher the chances you will have of finding your next security guard role.

    The below tips will enable you to use LinkedIn and its features with greater effect:

    Get Recommendations

    We briefly mentioned these above; recommendations act like referrals on LinkedIn and are very important. You get these from people you are connected with.

    A good recommendation will show potential future employers that you are qualified and will add value.

    You have to be careful where your recommendations come from however. It is no use opting for any old recommendation just to fill up a quota. Carefully consider those that you want to write one for you.

    You should ask people that you have actually worked with in the past. A former colleague or your actual boss, either is fine.

    When writing to them to ask for a recommendation you can always hint as to the what you would like them to say.

    For example, there is nothing stopping you from writing a message such as this:

    Hi Phil,

    I am currently on the look out for a security guard job and it would be great if you were able to leave me a recommendation.

    It wouldn’t need to be very long as it only needs to cover the fact that we worked together at XYZ company. Do you remember that time I had to calm down that customer that was upset because of product delays?

    If you are stuck for what to say, you could always mention that. The communications skills that I used to solve that situation are just the sort of thing that my future employers would be interested in.

    Thanks for your time,


    If writing to an old boss, you might have to be slightly more formal than the above, it really does depend on the sort of relationship you had with the person in question.


    Follow Companies

    The beauty of LinkedIn is that you can follow companies as well as individuals.

    It is no secret that many major companies have a LinkedIn profile in order to raise awareness of their existence, and to communicate with potential recruits.

    As soon as you have your LinkedIn profile as you want it, (ie all your details thoroughly filled out) you should begin searching for companies you would be interested in working for.

    If you find them, you will be able to follow the company and find out some very useful details about them.

    Information such as how many employees work at the company will be available. You can also learn about the types of people that work for the company, and be most important of all, be immediately updated when new jobs are opening.

    All this information will be useful if you make it to the interview stage.

    Connect with HR Managers

    Another focus for creating connections on LinkedIn is to follow HR Managers.

    By connecting with them you can learn about what’s going on as far as recruitment goes and when they are looking for potential hires.

    You will also be able to ask them questions and share information with them. Be subtle (you don’t want to seem as if you are only connecting to sniff out a job from them), demonstrate through your profile and updates that you are an excellent candidate, not by emailing and begging for work


    Bottom Line

    LinkedIn is an excellent resource that you really should be making the most of. It is a place to learn, observe, ask questions, and connect with individuals, all moves that can help you when looking for that next security guard role.

    Remember, many jobs today are found because of the networks that are built up and by being in the know. If you are not connected you could be missing out, so start creating your LinkedIn profile today…

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  • future next exit

    The Future of Roles Within The Security Industry

    Jan 20 • Security Guard • 9499 Views

    Technology and the Future of Jobs in Security

    We recently covered a story of how Microsoft is testing the use of robot security guards for their campus in California.

    No longer the stuff of sci-fi films, it really does seem as if robots are able to replace humans in certain roles.

    So what does this mean for those of you that are considering beginning a career as a security officer? Is passing your SIA training to be a security guard still worth it, or could you find yourself without a job in a few years time.

    Well the truth is, we are still a long way off from a point were robots will completely replace a skilled security officer.


    The K5 Security Guard Patrolling the Microsoft Campus

    True, technology has had an impact on the security guard field with the likes of security scanners, and surveillance cameras. As a result, a few security positions will have been eliminated.

    Where once a team of 8 security guards might have been required to secure a premises, now maybe only 5 are required.

    However, the stepping up of efficiency due to the application of security-based technology still needs humans to operate them. In short, people will always be needed in the security industry.

    There are just too many areas of the job that need to be overseen by a real person. Computers and electronics are not a threat to your overall future as a security officer.

    cctv-outsourced jobs

    Hang on, what about those Security Jobs that are being outsourced overseas?

    This is something that you need not worry about. There have been reports of some CCTV surveillance equipment being operated remotely from as far away as India. New technology does make this possible.

    However, there is no getting away from the fact it is far more efficient for a security guard and / or CCTV operator to be working and operating technology in the same place as the area it is securing.

    What’s more, people will always need to hire a live person to secure the premises.

    A security camera operated from a distance may be able to alert relevant authorities that an incident is underway, however someone will always need to be there to stop whatever is being done.

    How can a remote worker from overseas react and stop a theft, vandalism, or arson from taking place from the other-side of the world. The truth is that they can’t.

    future next exit

    What can I do to make sure being Security Guard will be a safe job option in the future?

    As we have covered above, technology and overseas workers are not going to replace you as a security guard anytime soon.

    Training to become a security guard will always be worthwhile, and definitely worth the investment of time and money.

    Whether guarding a specific person, a business establishment, or a single item; security guards, CCTV operators, door supervisors and close protection agents will always needed. They will need to be there on the ground where it matters, and they need to be a living, breathing person.

    Under the circumstances of a prosperous society, new business are opening up all the time. These business will need to be kept secure.

    Security has always been, and will continue to be an A1 priority for businesses of any size.

    Retail establishments, hotels, apartment buildings, or government facilities are not going anywhere. These establishments will always need to be secure and guarded.

    As a result, there will continue to be many jobs for security officers all over the world for a long time to come.

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  • training-in-martial-arts

    Self Defense Training For Security Guards & Door Supervisors

    Dec 3 • Door Supervisor, Security Guard • 18794 Views

    When working as a security guard or door supervisor you should always be prepared for the unexpected. You can never be sure when or how an incident may occur, however you do need to have the training and experience to react the right way when it does.

    One way you can be develop your own skills and be able to handle situations of greater severity, is to take self defense training.

    The beauty of self defense training for security guards and door supervisors is that it will make you better at your job. Not only will you be able to take care of yourself and those around you with increased skill, you will also have more confidence in the knowledge that you have those skills should the time come that they need to be used.

    To stay safe, you are advised to continue your training through out your security career. Here are some ways you can develop your knowledge and training in the area of self defense.


    Martial Arts Training

    Martial Arts are an extremely popular form of self defense. There are many courses and training centres through out the U.K that provide classes on a wide range of martial arts.

    It goes without saying that to know any kind of martial arts is a fantastic way for a security guard or doors supervisor to look after themselves. It also looks great on the CV.

    And even if it is not the sort of training you can use while on the job, (Martial Arts using a Karambit Knife for instance), the skills, fitness and dexterity you gain from the training is still important.

    If you do take a martial arts class, it is a good idea to speak to the instructor about the type of defense that is available for security guards.

    This is because the needs of a security guard / door supervisor go beyond just self defense. You will want to know how to apprehend a person too. There will certainly be tactics that can be employed to do this.


    Start Your Martial Arts Training Early

    The sooner you can begin your martial arts training, the better. If possible, as soon as you decide to become a security guard or door supervisor you should sign up for some self defence training to complete alongside your normal SIA training.

    As we have already mentioned, adding martial arts training onto your CV will certainly look good in the eyes of the recruiter. If you are a working door supervisor or security guard and you have taken any MA training before, it is never too late to start. Your employment prospects within the security industry will certainly improve as a result.


    Training Through Your Employer

    There is often scope to continue your training through your employer. If you are part of a larger security recruitment company, get in touch with the consultant that deals with your employment. The company may have relationships with local training providers, or know of courses that are taking place, or even offer the further training themselves.

    Even if the company you work for does not provide training, it is likely that they will still have resources to offer you as a security guard. It never hurts to ask, and you will certainly get brownie points for being pro active in the first place.

    If enough people come forward to ask about further self defence training, the company may arrange for it to happen in response to the interest. At the end of the day, safety should always be a main concern for the security guard and door supervisor, and the same goes for those that employ them.

    Studying Self Defense Tactics

    If you are unable to get on a course, or are waiting for one to begin, it does not stop you from doing your own research and study.

    The internet is a haven of information on self defense tactics. There are tutorials, DVDs and downloadable ebooks, on all areas of martial arts.

    Once you start looking, you will find that self defense tactics are everywhere. Furthermore, there is often no right or wrong approach when it comes to protecting yourself and or the people you are employed to protect.

    A security guard or door supervisor can never be certain when a criminal intent on causing harm will face them.

    There may also come a time when someone who is much larger than them confronts them.

    The simple truth is, most criminals do want to be caught. They will fight you to avoid arrest. The big question is: will you be prepared?

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