Top 10 Tips to Be a Better Security Guard

Jun 14 • Career Advice, Security Guard • 16478 Views • No Comments on Top 10 Tips to Be a Better Security Guard

So you’ve passed your Security Guard Training and you have your SIA Licence. Like any career however, the training never really stops. You will always be learning as your career progresses, and of course it is natural that experience will make you better at your job. However, no matter where you in your security career, or how long you have been in the role, following these top 10 tips should help you be a better security guard.

security guard

1. Review Your Course Materials

This may be the last thing you want to do especially if you are newly qualified, but review all your course manuals to make sure you have it completely fixed in your mind. All too often we learn enough for the exam and then it is forgotten 2 weeks later. If you’ve been in the job a while, pick up a recent version of the study manuals to refresh your knowledge.

2. Take Refresher Courses

Be aware of any local refresher courses and ask your employer to send you on them. Attend and contribute in order to share knowledge with other experienced security guards.

3. Stay Fit & Healthy

One of the most important aspects to being a security guard is to remain fit and exercise everyday. You never know when you might need to use your fitness to save yours or someone else’s life.

4. Practice Self-Defense

A good security guard will know self-defense techniques to a high standard. Practice when you can with a friend or work colleague so you can all upon such skills when you need to.

5. Know Your Neighbourhood

Know what is going on in your neighborhood. Read the local news so you can stay ahead of any security crime events in your working areas. Try to be one step ahead of any potential threats.

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Working well as part of a team is an important aspect of many security roles

6. Know The Procedures

Whenever you start work at a new security company, take time to read all their manuals and operating procedures. Get to know the building and surrounding area like the back of your hand.

7. Continue To Learn

You should never get to a stage where you no longer ask questions. Find a more experienced security guard to help you, and discuss solutions for any problems you may have faced recently.

8. Read Your Manuals

Read and study a security manual or text book every month.

9.  Find A Mentor

Ask a senior security manager to help mentor you in advanced security techniques. No employer will mind you being keen and wanting to learn new skills.

10. Stay Focused

Never make assumptions when on the job. A security guard has to maintain a professional perspective at all times when working. Everyone is potentially dangerous and it only takes a second for a person to cause you serious harm. Maintain your focus and be safe at all times.

Remember the initial security guard training and subsequent SIA Licence is only the first step along your career path. The few days you spend training are just the tip of the iceberg. For most security guard jobs you will be by yourself, the responsibility should something go wrong is completely with you. You need to be as prepared as you can be. Following the steps above will help you achieve that.

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