SIA Licence & Guarding Events

Oct 20 • Door Supervisor, Security Guard • 13671 Views • No Comments on SIA Licence & Guarding Events

It can be confusing trying to work out exactly what circumstances an SIA licence is required. You may wish to take a part time work at events as a security guard. Secure the crowds at the O2 centre and get entrance to some big concerts while getting paid for instance.

Or if you wanted to be involved in the London Olympics back in 2012, surely not everyone guarding the gigantic event had an SIA licence? Here we look into exactly what type of licence is required for manned guarding and when.

So do you need an SIA licence for part-time work at an event?

The answer is yes. The line taken by the SIA is that any individual undertaking manned guarding activities at any event must have an SIA licence.

Manned guarding includes:
  • guarding premises against unauthorised access or occupation, against outbreaks of disorder or against damage;
  • guarding property against destruction or damage, against being stolen or against being otherwise dishonestly taken or obtained;
  • guarding one or more individuals against assault or against injuries that might be suffered in consequence of the unlawful conduct of others.

The Flaming Lips - MoogFest 2011

Volunteers do not need an SIA Licence

This is exactly how the government got around employing tens of thousands of volunteer support staff for the Olympics in 2012.

If an individual takes up security guarding at an event on a voluntary basis, ie no reward is given or payment received, they do not need an SIA licence to fulfill the role.

volunteer guards

Volunteer guards do not need an SIA licence.

Exceptions to this:

Where the guarding activities are taken place on a licensed premises, (ie one licensed to serve alcohol) a door supervisor licence is required. The fact an individual may be volunteering will not suffice, they will still need to have an SIA licence.

The extent of the area covered that is considered licensed, is decided by the local licensing authority and not the SIA.

This effects the licensing of an event and whether you need to have an SIA licence (if you volunteer) in the fact an authority may choose to license a complete event, stadium or venue.

If this is the case, only those with correct SIA licence and training as a door supervisor will be able to work and no volunteers without such a license can be involved.

However, due to the logistics of this it does not happen all too often.

In the circumstances where a licensable activity is taking place on a non licensed premises a security guard licence or a door supervisor licence is required.

It is important to remember that those with a door supervisor licence can work as security guard on non-licensed premises).

Any person who manages or supervisors those conducting licensable activities at an event but do not personally carry out such activities must have a non-front line SIA licence.

sia licence cardsThe SIA has a booklet on Security at Events. However, as is with a lot of their resources it is rather wordy. It explains in great detail the various roles, a lot of which is information that would be better placed elsewhere, (and certainly is, here on the SIA website and across the web).

The very best advice we can give is if you are serious about wanting to work as a security guard at events, and also have the flexibility to work at events that are fully licensed for alcohol consumption, your best move would be to sign up to a door supervisor course in your area.

If you are looking for some volunteer work as a security guard, some events will be available to you, but of course you will not be paid.

There are also options to be Event Stewards. These are paid opportunities and a SIA licence is not required. Most employers advertising such positions will offer preliminary training before you work your first event.

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