• Interview Questions

    The Security Guard Job Interview – What The Interviewer is Thinking

    Dec 2 • Security Guard • 4435 Views

    You are about to go to a security guard job interview. Wouldn’t it be great if you get inside the head of the interviewer to see what he or she is thinking. That would certainly help your chances of getting the job if you knew what they were looking for.

    Well this article takes a peek inside the interviewer’s thought processes while they are sitting on the other side of the desk. Hopefully that will give you the head start that you need.

    Interview be prepared

    Things to Consider When Hiring a Security Guard

    There are few articles out on the web that use this title. On of them by Inside Business 360, has been retweeted and shared numerous times.

    So we figured, if recruiters are looking up these articles before interviewing a security guard for a new job opening, it might be an idea if we looked into the kind of advice they were getting.

    The fact is, the more you know and understand what your ‘future’ employer is thinking, the better you will be able to tailor your interview technique to nail that job.

    Let’s dissect the article so we can help the person sitting in the hot seat of the interview, i.e you – the soon to be employed security guard.

    security guard careers

    Interviewer’s Thought: What level of experience do they have?

    This is a question a interviewer will have in the mind. Some of this information will be gathered from your CV. If you are at the interview and you have only just passed your SIA training, assuming you didn’t lie on your application, the interviewer must be happy to take on new SIA graduates. (Why else would they have asked you to come in?)

    However, to make up for the lack of experience they will want to know more about you as a person, and what other experiences you have been through that could be applied to the role of a security guard.

    Be prepared for questions such as, describe a time you found yourself in a conflict, what did you do to prevent the situation from escalating?

    In the absence of on the job experience, they want to know that you have what it takes to be a security guard. Their questions will be tailored so they can find this out.

    man with glasses

    Interviewer’s Thoughts: What do they look like?

    Whether you like it or not, image counts for a lot these days and first impressions go a long way. You might not wear a suit very often, but it is a must at any job interview.

    You need to look responsible. You also need to look physically fit. If you have put on a few pounds and are not as nimble or as strong as you once were, do your self a favour and wear clothing that will disguise the fact. Do not wear an ill fitting shirt that is tight around the belly or where you can’t do up the top button.

    No interviewer is ever going to admit they refused to employ a security guard because they didn’t look physically right for the role, but do not be naive and think that they will not take it into consideration.

    Be smart and on time – this represents responsibility. Act as confidently as you can given the circumstances, and also be polite. Shake hands firmly and greet them with a smile. If you get that bit right, your interview will be on to a great start.

    nervous man

    You don’t want to look like this guy going into your interview

    Interviewer’s Thoughts: How Confident Do They Appear

    We have briefly touched upon this above. You will want to turn up to your security guard interview looking confident. Whether you like it or not, your interviewer will be considering this.

    Your job will be to guard people and property. You need to have a level of confidence to do this successfully.

    If you are not physically imposing, then you will need confidence of character in times of conflict when working as security guard.

    You also need to be confident in your ability to do the job. (With or without on the job security guard experience.) This will come across in the way you hold yourself, the way you answer the questions, the way you project your own dedication to the job.

    The interviewer will want to know that you are dedicated to the position. That you will be able to stay alert, focus and can be relied upon. These are the characteristics the interviewer will be looking for when deciding to fill the security guard role.

    Choosing a security guard is not something that can be done lightly. That’s why many companies use the services of a professional recruitment company.

    Whether you are being interviewed to join such an agency, or by the company looking for a security guard direct, you will need to bare the above issues in mind.

    This is what your interviewer is looking for – you need to make sure that they find them all in you.

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  • Security Guards Form Flashmob in Aid of Children in Need

    Nov 27 • Security Guard • 3782 Views

    Now this is what we like to see. Rather than news networks having to report bad news involving security guards, (either through some alleged misdemeanor or a guard coming to harm in the line of duty) we have some really positive news to report on.

    Last week (November 14th), a group of security guards at Canary Warf surprised the office workers and shoppers to a Flashmob Dance treat.

    The guards had come together for Children In Need, rehearsing the routine and finally performing it for everyone to see.

    The seemingly spontaneous routine was set to Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Louis. Over 20 security guards joined in.

    Who said security officers didn’t have a sense of humor hey. The routine began with the guards running into the scene to break up a mock fight. Of course the crowds gathered to see what was going on, at which point the guards sprung onto their feet and into their dance steps in the middle of the shopping centre. Wonderful stuff, and a credit to all security guards.

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  • microsoft-robot-security-guard

    Robocop is here – Is this the Future of Security Guarding

    Nov 25 • News, Security Guard • 7909 Views

    Could this be the future of the security industry? Will security guards one day be replaced by robots? And will we be one step closer to Jim Cameron’s Terminator style vision of robots taking over the world?

    Will that last bit may be a tad sensationalist, but the fact is, earlier this week Microsoft unveiled prototype robot security guards – and we have to admit, they do look very cool.

    The tech giant recently installed a fleet of 5-feet-tall, 300-pound robots at their Silicon Valley campus, (where else would you expect the first appearance of such cutting-edge sci-fi technology).


    The K5 Security Guard Patrolling the Microsoft Campus

    The robots are fitted with cutting edge security, surveillance equipment that would put any human security guard to shame.

    The machines have HD cameras built in, and sensors so they can interpret their organic, protein-based surroundings.

    These security guard robots also contain cutting edge artificial intelligence programing that is able to evaluate their environment and sound an alarm when they ‘think’ that something is not as it should be.

    These security robots are also remotely connected to the police database so are able to run checks on licence plates to see if the car has been stolen. All of which can go on as background task using the hi-tech computer processing that has been installed.

    The K5 robots were actually built by a Californian company called Knightscope.

    And instead naming the new machines, ‘Robocop’ the company calls them “autonomous data machines”. Slightly less catchy you might agree.

    And while the company states that they have a “commanding but friendly presence,” this can in no way be compared to a normal human security guard, where you can expect a normal human interaction.

    This being America, the security guards could be armed. However, the K5 robots will not be carrying any weapons. One suspects new laws will need to be implemented to safe guard this development in the future.

    There could be plans to fit the robot security guards with tasers however.

    At the moment the robots are being used as a first line of security defense so to speak. Once a situation has been recognised by the K5, they will sound their alarm in the aim of preventing it, or automatically call back up, in the form of a fully-fledged human security guard, or the police.


    The battery lasts for 24hrs and they can recharge themselves

    What ever way you look it at though – security guard jobs have been taken by this new technology, and it does make you wonder how far it will go.

    These robots can work with autonomy if need be, and can last up to 24hrs on a single charge.

    What’s more, the robot will take itself to a recharge point once the battery is getting low, meaning no engineers need to worry about them.

    The company states that the next step is to have the K5’s patrolling the streets as security guards, and part of the police force.

    Robocop is very nearly here.

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  • The 3 Most Important Tips All Bouncers Should Know

    Nov 19 • Door Supervisor • 7004 Views

    There are many guidelines that go towards being a good door supervisor. We recently published a top 10 list of tips to help you be a better door supervisor.

    However, there are 3 main points that come above all else, and in many ways if you get these right, the rest (with time and experience) will fall into place.

    If while working as a bouncer you are able to remember the 3 tips you are about to read – you will certainly be able to maintain safer doors.

    Controlling The Line is a Fundamental Part of Being A Bouncer

    Control The Line

    What goes on in the line is a reflection of what is happening inside the establishment. If the door supervisor team is able to keep things under control while people are queuing to get in, they stand a far better chance of doing the same once those people are inside.

    The are many reasons door supervisors need to maintain control here. Firstly, if there is no communication for why patrons are being made to wait and how long for – there is frustration before they have even stepped inside and bought a drink. You don’t want that.

    Secondly, if people are pushing in and the bouncers are turning a blind eye or fail to do anything about, your customers are going to get riled up. Crack down on this before angry words are exchanged and fists fly.

    fighting outside the club

    You don’t want your line getting out of control and trouble to start

    Also, if unfair entry policies are being applied, (or seem unfair and arbitrary) that too will provoke annoyance. If dress codes apply – do a sweep of the queue once in a while so that those not dressed accordingly are sent away early on, not after they have been queuing for 45 minutes.

    Beyond that is the need to be aware of levels of intoxication – the line is a perfect place to do this. If too drunk you have a chance to deny them entry there and then.

    As a door supervisor, you have the power to keep the trouble out. It is obviously not always easy to spot it, however the best place to prevent any problems is by controlling the line, and making sure they don’t get inside in the first place.

    You Are In Charge – Stop Trouble Here Before It Can Get Inside

    Own The Door

    Its not called ‘working the doors’ for nothing. If you are going to be effective at all as a door supervisor, you need to be in complete control of the door. This is where you can exert the most influence, (all patrons want to get inside for a start – and they know you are the gatekeeper for that).

    You need to be alert at all times, aware of the premises polices and what has been going on in the line. (Your physical presence can also come into play here – see our article on weight training and the gym for door supervisors.)

    Try not to give preferential treatment

    Try not to give preferential treatment

    The door is not a place to get side-tracked flirty with the scantily clad females attempting to get in for the night, or chatting up the new girl in the cloakroom. (I am sorry, but we have all seen bouncers do this.)

    Furthermore, if you act like you don’t give a damn at the door, trouble maker patrons will get wind of this and fancy their chances of getting away with some trouble even more.

    Likewise, if you are unduly rude at the door, (yet still allow the customer in) you have given them reason to be agitated from the start. This fueled with too much alcohol may cause you problems later on.

    You do not want over intoxicated individuals, underage patrons, or groups that look like that they want to start a fight from the start.

    The door is the last chance that you have to prevent trouble walking into the premises. Spot it here and you will be winning.

    Don’t underestimate the power of a simple smile

    Respect, Respect, Respect

    This is so important I have said it three times. Door supervisors and bouncers need to have a level of respect for the patrons they are employed to safeguard.

    And while you expect the same from the patrons, the respect does need to start from you. Your role as a bouncer is to keep the customers, colleagues and staff safe while they are in or around the premises you work.

    However, you can still go about most of your door supervisor duties with a smile and a level of empathy and understanding.

    If you are asked for information, try to be helpful rather than annoyed.

    As a bouncer you way well be working the doors, asking for cover charges, discussing details of the establishment to the customer, (licence times, price, type of music etc). Be forthcoming with this information, don’t grunt a response.

    And of course as a working door supervisor, you will have heard every excuse under the sun, and drunken patrons that think they are should have a sideline as a regular stand up comedian, will certainly test your patience. By remaining calm and professional at all times, you will get through this.

    If you maintain your respect for the patrons, you will find that 99 times out of 100, those same patrons will have respect for you and the premises that you protect.

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  • door supervisor weight training - men_lifting_weights_in_gym

    Weights, Gym and further Training for Bouncers and Door Supervisors

    Nov 17 • Door Supervisor • 11370 Views

    We all know that being a bouncer can be a very physical job at times. If you are working a crowded club or bar you will obviously need to break up fights, restrain drunk violent individuals and above all, work the door with a presence that speaks, ‘don’t f&*k with me’.

    To be physically fit enough for the normal requirements of being a door supervisor involves means being both strong and fit on a cardiovascular level.

    Here are some tips on the best kind of work outs you can be doing when you are at the gym.

    door supervisor weight training - men_lifting_weights_in_gym

    A Strong Physical Presence will assist you as a bouncer

    Weight Training

    As we have mentioned above, having a large physical presence is going to make you more formidable when working as a bouncer, and clearly make you more effective at preventing any trouble.

    However, although being a large bouncer will help put most people off from causing problems, there will obviously be times when your strength will be required to subdue individuals and take control of a given situation.

    This means that you will want functional strength, (it is no good building yourself up so large that in an actual confrontation, you move awkwardly and inefficiently).

    To do this we recommend that door supervisors should look to a lifting regime that consists of heavy compound movements. You could even throw in a few Olympic movements for good measure.

    The traditional work out moves apply: bench press, squats, deadlifts, rows, shoulder presses, skull crushers, and barbell biceps curls.

    Low reps are the order of the day – Look for a repetition range between 5 to 10 with a weight total close to the maximum you can safely cope with in line with your condition.

    Remember you should always warm down after training. You’re no good to anyone if you sustain an injury from going to hard with the weights.

    If you find that you have over done your training, utilizing a cold therapy machine could be a good option to getting you back to full fitness once again.

    As far as nutrition goes – getting onto the protein shakes is definitely advised. You are going to need your protein. The important issue is to eat enough. Bulking up is difficult if you are not taking in enough fuel.


    Handy Links for Door Supervisor Weight Training

    Bouncer fitness - cardiovascular workout

    Your overall fitness is very important

    Cardiovascular Training

    Cardiovascular training is also important for any door supervisor going to the gym.

    You do not want to find yourself short of breath and unable to function properly, while trying to grapple a 350 pound drunken lunatic to the floor one evening.

    You maybe big and strong, however if the lungs are not up to the job and you feel yourself going dizzy from brief intense exercise, (most scenarios where a bouncer is called upon to be physical are brief and intense), you are not doing the right kind of training. In short you need to be doing more cardiovascular work.

    Fortunately, it doesn’t take too much to reach a better fitness level.

    By completing 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular training at the conclusion of each workout, will certainly help the blood flow and lung capacity.

    This need not be a simply walking 3 miles per hour at a 2% incline grade is more than adequate. In addition to building up your lung capacity to help in stressful situations, you will also be improving your own cardiovascular fitness and overall health levels.

    Handy Links – Cardiovascular Workouts

    training self defence for door supervisors

    Taking Further Training in Self Defense Can Be Very Worthwhile

    Door Supervisor Physical Skills Training

    Although the standard door supervisor training will obviously show techniques on how to physically subdue a patron that is causing issue, there is always room for further training.

    There are many training courses available (although not necessarily SIA endorsed) that will you give the skills of proper take-down and restraint methods that can certainly be applied by any working bouncer.

    If you further your training in this area, always remember the concept of ‘reasonable force’. Make sure that the course you enroll prioritizes self-defense skills. Safety first should be your mantra – the emphasis should be on safe and secure take-downs aimed at protecting you, the patron and other bystanders.

    By looking after your strength, fitness and overall training you will certainly be a better door supervisor. And being better at your job will mean safer doors, and a happier working environment for both you and your colleagues. You don’t want to be the one letting the team down by being out of shape…

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  • bouncers

    Top 10 Tips to Being a Better Door Supervisor

    Nov 13 • Door Supervisor, Featured • 8060 Views

    We recently did an article on top 10 tips to being a better security guard. This has proven very popular so in response we felt, it was time we did the same for those working as door supervisors.

    And lets face it, when you read stories such as this… where you have people carrying machetes to a nightclub because of a dispute with rival gangs, door supervisors need to be on their guard at all times. So, for our top 10 list specific to doormen, read on below.


    How to be a better Door Supervisor – Top 10 tips

    1. Know Your Surroundings

    A good door supervisor is completely aware of their surroundings. If you are new to a job and therefore establishment, take time to learn where all the exits are – including those that are generally off limits to patrons.

    While working, you should always know where you are on the floor in relation to these exits. If trouble starts, you cannot be looking around trying to get your bearings when a drunken troublemaker is attempting to shove a glass in your face.

    You should also know how busy the place is out front. The nearest exit might not always be the best if it is too full of patrons entering the premises, or is being used as access to a busy outside smoking area. Knowing your surroundings is vital if you want to do your job well.

    2. Know the choke-points of the premises

    Close to the point above, a good door supervisor must know the choke points in the premises they work.

    Through out the establishment there will be areas that have high volumes of patrons, or the building design itself will compress the flow of patrons into a smaller, more compact area.

    You need to know just how busy these choke-points are, and how they could potentially affect your ability to remove some one from the bar, or get to another area of the bar to help a fellow bouncer.

    back door exit - door supervisors

    Removing trouble via the back door if you can

    3. The Back exit is Your Friend

    Where possible and when appropriate, the back exit is often the best to use.

    Not only is it less crowded to take the patron out via the back exit, it also stops other customers from seeing the problems taking place and potentially put off those waiting in line from entering.

    4. Know the numbers – how busy is the bar?

    A good door supervisor will be able to look around the bar and be able to judge approximately how close to full capacity it actually is. Furthermore, in large clubs the establishment should be recording just how many patrons are actually inside.

    Knowing how full the bar is, will have an impact on the decisions you make. It can also impede your ability to do your job. For instance a busy bar will make it more difficult to remove any trouble from the premises.

    It will also be more difficult to keep your colleagues in direct line of site. Although all door supervisors should be able to communicate via radio.

    know what type of crowd - being a bouncer

    A good bouncer knows what type of crowd is in the premises

    5. Know the Type of Crowd

    You should be well aware of the type of crowd you are dealing with, and the differences in crowd on a nightly basis. More generally, has there been an influx of a certain type of group – say drunken lads watching the football, or a stag party. A hen night can be equally as boisterous at times.

    Be careful not to prejudice unfairly, however you need to be aware of how the crowd is behaving. Preventing any issues before they occur is always the best policy.

    6. How drunk are the patrons?

    And this one is an extension of knowing the crowd. Not only do you need to know the type of crowd, you should be aware of how drunk they are too.

    How long have certain parties been drinking? This involves knowing how long they have been in the bar, and at what stage they are at with their drunkenness.

    A good door supervisor must police those that are drunk. By walking around and paying attention to those that may have drunk too much you are prepared should a situation occur.

    7. Understand the type of situation that is occurring

    A doorman or bouncer will very often have only a few seconds to weigh up a situation before they need to react in some way. Reacting in the correct way is obviously fundamental to being a good door supervisor – in order to do that, you need to be able to understand the type of situation that is occurring.

    A good way to do this is to have a mental gauge of the various degrees of trouble you are confronted with. For example:

    Level 1 Threat


    Level 1 threat – nothing to worry about

    A level 1 situation could be a low threat incident where the patron is asked to leave and reacts calmly and obligingly. The rest of the party understands why the patron is being asked to leave and no issue is made of it.

    Level 2 Threat

    dark green

    Level 2 threat – Some dialogue but little else

    Here the patron is calm enough, however they are more vocal. They demand to know why they are being removed from the premises, and try to argue their point. The patron’s friends may also attempt to intervene. However, this threat is unlikely to be physical and can be dealt with quickly without further issues occurring.

    Level 3 Threat


    Level 3 threat – Dialogue is more aggressive, potential trouble

    Here the patron may be acting verbally aggressive. They are frustrated at being removed from the premises and are making that well known.

    The patron’s voice is raised and stress indicators are visible. This situation has an increased potential for turning into a physical altercation. The patron may be drunk and could act impulsively.

    Level 4 Threat


    Level 4 threat – aggressive body language, violence is close

    The patron in this situation is verbally aggressive while showing signs that a negative physical response to the door supervisor’s request is likely.

    In this instance the patron may physically attempt to provoke the doormen, i.e demonstrate aggressive body language in an attempt to start a fight. [see our article on ‘how to predict aggression’ for more on this.]

    Level 5 Threat


    Level 5 threat – physical violence all ready taking place

    In this situation the patron may already be fighting with another customer or door supervisor. Physical violence has already been reached. This is clearly the most dangerous of scenarios and a fast response is required. The patron will need to be ejected from the premises with appropriate force, and it is important to ensure that innocent bystanders are not hurt in the process.

    8. Good Communication with your colleagues

    This involves staying in touch via radio and where possible, maintaining line of site. You should know where your colleagues are at any given moment and be able to assist them if trouble occurs and likewise vice-versa should you find yourself faced with an incident.

    9. Do not eject a patron solo

    If you can help it, never attempt to remove a person from the premises alone. The patron may fancy their chances and trouble can escalate. By working as a part of a team the ejection process should be that much easier.

    10. Make use of your equipment

    door supervisor equipmentRadios are vitally important for keeping in contact with other bouncers. A good door supervisor team will have codes for areas of the floor so that colleagues immediately know where to be.

    Flash lights should also be used. These help locate misdemeanors in darkened areas of the bar or club and can also be used to signal to other door supervisors.

    Bright coloured clothing or florescent strips can also be used so the team is more visible to each other.

    And there you have it – our top 10 list of ways to be a better door supervisor. If you have any other important tips you would like to share with us, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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  • event security training

    Event Management Security Solutions (EMSS) – Enjoying Success

    Nov 12 • News • 6607 Views

    A Security Training Company has made the news recently due to enjoying some excellent growth and success over the past year.

    Event Management Security Solutions (EMSS), a security training and management company based at the Scott Bader Innovation Centre, in Wellingborough has managed to hit their training target of 5,000 people 4 months ahead of schedule.

    The training that the company provides includes event security guarding, door supervisor training, conflict management, first aid and more. The company has trained people from all over the U.K, and as far afield as Poland and Germany.

    Managing director Mark Barber states that they are now one of the largest training companies in the UK.

    This would be difficult to dispute. On the run up to the Olympics in 2012, the company was awarded the contract to manage the delivery of door supervisor training to 15,000 candidates. No small undertaking you would agree.

    Event security guarding forms a large part of their services, with EMSS providing full protective security provision to major events, along with full legislative back-up.

    In a recent interview with the Northants Telegraph, Mr Barber, states “This was the largest training project undertaken in living memory. We trained not only experienced professionals but people from many diverse backgrounds, along with the British Army.”

    If you are interested in event security training or becoming a door supervisor, you can head to their website here.

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  • Security Guarding – How to Overcome the Slow Days

    Nov 6 • Security Guard • 3635 Views

    There will certainly be days as a working security guard that time will seem to drag. If you start clock watching and you feel the hours are passing by at a snail pace, you are in danger of becoming bored and therefore complacent.

    This is understandable, especially on a night shift. The night patrol for a security guard can be lonely and quiet, with many shifts passing by with little to distinguish them apart.

    However, you cannot let this monotony impede what it is you are paid to do. As a security guard it is your responsibility to protect the property or person from theft and harm.

    If you let the mundane working environment get to you, if become bored and unfocused, you will not be able to perform as a security guard when the time comes for you to act.

    If you feel this is you, here are our top 5 tips to keeping on the ball, while working as a security guard on the slow days.

    Security-guard walking

    Keeping on your toes will help you stay alert

    1. Keep Moving Around

    By keeping on your toes and moving around you can physically stop yourself from boredom and tiredness.

    The very act of moving will keep the blood flowing and the body and mind alert. A big mistake is to sit down for too long, especially on a night shift where you may be alone and therefore unsupervised – it is all to tempting to sit down for long periods of time. If you do this you will not be focused.

    Walk around the premises at regular intervals. Remember that these intervals need to be staggered and random, so that any thief watching the premises can not plan to a specific schedule.

    The time you are meant to walk around will be dependent on the job, however, even if you are only meant to do 3 patrols around the property per shift, you can still be on your feet as you man the front desk for instance. Just walking around your designated work area can make a big difference when it comes to maintaining concentration and focus.

    And remember, you can always ask your colleagues or supervisor if you need to walk and ‘grab some air’ so to speak. By communicating with your peers and reacting properly if tiredness sets in, you will find yourself performing a lot closer to 100% than you would otherwise.

    healthy food heart

    A healthy diet will keep you mentally and physically in shape

    2. Watch what you eat and Drink

    Your diet is very important when it comes to alertness while working as a security guard. If you snack on chocolates throughout your shift, you will experience the short ‘high’ of increased blood sugar levels, followed by the lull that occurs afterwards. During this lull you can find yourself more tired than you would otherwise normally be.

    High carbohydrate/ starchy foods (such as sandwiches or pasta) also have a similar affect. Carbohydrates are easy to burn, giving you a boost of energy followed by a lull.

    And if you feast on large meal before heading to work, or on your break you will often feel a loss of energy immediately afterwards.

    A good healthy diet is the best approach. Also, instead of putting a chocolate bar in your work-bag, take a banana instead. And if tiredness is really getting the better of you, it might time to go grab a coffee.

    Overall however, if you eat sensibly you will find that your alertness will be maintained and the yawns kept at bay.

    Security guard paperwork

    Keep on top of your paper work throughout your shift

    3. Take Care of Your Paper Work

    As a security guard it is likely that you will have to fill out a report for every shift that you work.

    Keep on top of this. The process of sitting down to complete your paperwork will help keep your mind focused on the days events.

    It is a good idea to write the necessary updates throughout your working day, rather than leave it to the end. This way the details will be fresh and correct.

    Furthermore, you can use the report as a way of breaking up the tasks of your day. Variation, even on a small level is enough to keep you focused and your mind on the job. The more you do throughout your day as a security guard, the easier it will be to keep the role from becoming monotonous.

    Sleeping man

    Being properly rested before you turn up for work is a must

    4. What you do Outside of Work Matters

    It stands to reason that if you turn up to work after a long day be active, (or worse still a long day drinking), you will not be able to perform your role as a security guard to the best of your ability. And if you are drunk, you will actually be breaking the law and could face being fired.

    From a less dramatic perspective, merely coming to work overly tired will make the shift a whole lot more difficult to get through. Make sure you are properly rested before turning up to work. If you are ill and you think this will impede your ability to carry out your duties, do not be afraid to phone in sick.

    If you are tired and under the weather it can be very difficult to get through a long shift. Use common sense and know your limitations. You will be a better security guard as a result.


    Your boss is actually on your side – don’t be afraid to ask

    5. Your Employers are on Your Side

    Remember, your employer’s an/or supervisors are not stupid. They understand that the shift can be monotonous at times. They will often react kindly to any suggestions that you have that could help alleviate the problem and essentially help keep you and your colleagues alert.

    Try asking if you are allowed to have a radio playing quietly in your work area. This can often help keep workers engaged.

    Ask if you can take sometime to carry out some physical exercise, be it an extra patrol around the building, or simply taking 5 to do some push-ups or lunges in an area where you will not be disturbed.

    If your building has a gym, see if the guards can get access to. Using your break to spend 45 minutes lifting weights and taking a shower will certainly get the blood pumping and make you ready for the remainder of your shift.

    Bottom Line

    It is of utmost importance that you stay awake and alert while you work as a security guard.

    A situation can occur when you least expect it, and you will want your body and mind in tip -top condition to react in the correct way when it does. By following these 5 simple steps you will be better equipped to do so.

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  • cover charges - doorman

    Being a Doorman (Bouncer) – Cover Charges

    Nov 4 • Door Supervisor • 3710 Views

    In some working scenarios the doorman or bouncer may be in charge of collecting the cover charge before patrons enter the premises.

    In these situations it is important that you take the responsibility seriously. Above all, you need to be consistent in the way that you deal with customers before they enter the pub or club. If you charge one customer a certain fee, it can cause problems if another pays differently.

    Regulars and/or Members

    To further complicate things is the issue of regulars or members. Here the door supervisor team should have in place a separate queuing system. This will avoid issues where some customers walk in for free, while others have to pay the top entry price.

    As a doorman, you do not want to spend valuable time explaining to patrons why one person is paying one fee and them another. If the customer is fuelled with alcohol, this can be a recipe for trouble to start. Your job is to manage the door and in this case collect the cover charge, you do not want to be dealing with drunken customer satisfaction queries.

    Hen Party

    Large groups may ask for a discount – know your policies

    Large Parties Asking for a Discount

    If a large party of customers come together and one of them steps forward suggesting a discount rate due to the collective group, weigh the possibility up carefully.

    It may be that your working establishment does not allow such concessions. In this case you can explain the rules and that is the end of the conversation.

    If however, you are in a position to offer a potential discount, try to ascertain the type of group and whether there could be any potential problems. A stag doo might be great for takings at the bar, but will it put other patrons off?

    If the party has arrived early enough, this may help bolster takings while the club would normally be quiet. Use your common sense when making the call.

    But I know the Owner…

    If you are new to the job, try to work out who the regulars are and who gets that special treatment. Getting this right early on will certainly give you brownie points with the rest of the team and will stop any undue complications from the bolshie best friends of the club owner. If you are not sure, discreetly ask a colleague – you also want to avoid being conned by quick talking idiots that might just know the owners name without ever having met them.

    cover charges - doorman

    Cover Charges are Important

    Working the doors – Cover Charges and Why they exist

    Although working the doors when cover charge is involved can be a pain, it does after all help pay your wage and should be treated seriously. The two main reasons for an establishment having a cover charge are:

    1. An Additional Revenue Stream

    As we have stated, the cover charge helps pay your wage. It also helps cover the cost of an entertainment licence or after hours drinking licences. These type of places most often have a cover charge.

    Any instance that you decide to let slip your duties as a doorman collecting cover charges, you are indirectly stealing from your employer. (Say your good mate has turned up and wants free entry, or an attractive girl in the queue gets preferential treatment – both moves are very unprofessional from a door supervisors perspective. However they do obviously happen all the time).

    fighting outside the club

    Keep out the trouble makers – a cover charge can help with this

    2. Deterring A Bad Crowd

    Having a cover charge in place can often keep out potential trouble makers. If a group has paid good money to get into a place, this can sometimes persuade them not to start trouble in the first place. They would prefer not to be kicked out. A really expensive cover charge to a top end establishment is unlikely to attract trouble makers at all.

    However, there are always exceptions to this. Alcohol can make even the most unassuming individual become problematic under the right circumstances.

    Cover Charges – The Bottom Line

    Although many establishments have dedicated staff that see to cover charges, every now and then you may find your self as a door supervisor being in charge of it.

    Know the policies of your work place, and if you are given discretionary powers use them wisely, there is nothing more infuriating to a customer than a seemingly subjective door policy, where the staff makes things up as they go along. Consistency and common sense are key.

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  • Mr James outside Wolverhampton Crown Court

    Quick Thinking Security Guard Prevents Court Suicide

    Oct 14 • News • 4864 Views

    We are always happy to report good news from within the security industry. And to bring attention to security guard officers that deserve recognition for their top work.

    Today’s security guard worthy of mention is a Lee James from Wolverhampton. His actions are being reported in the local press as he saved a woman from falling 25ft in an attempted suicide.

    The incident took place at Wolverhampton Crown Court. Mr James was on duty at the courts when he witnessed a heated argument taking place between a man and a woman.

    The couple had been arguing in the waiting area presumably before going into court.

    The woman, who was reported as being very distressed from the row suddenly ran upstairs inside the building, before climbing over the first floor balcony rail.

    She was screaming that she would jump. The 25ft first floor fall would have seen her impact with the hard marble floor of the court entrance.

    The 29-year security guard was manning the front doors of the court at the time of the incident. Mr James ran after the woman and managed to grab his arms around her, just as she was about to fall off the balcony edge.

    Mr James told the ‘Express and Star’ local newspaper: “I saw her heading towards the balconies so I quickly chased after her.”

    He acted as a true professional security guard should. Mr James was aware of what was going on and able to react fast enough to avert the danger. He goes on to say:

    She was really fast, but luckily I reached her just as she was climbing over the railing on the first floor. I grabbed her under the arms and pulled her back onto the floor. Then I radioed for assistance.”

    The security guard, who is on contract with the G4S security company, has been working as a guard at the courts for 13 months.

    Understandably the team that he works with have commended his behaviour, with the regional news picking up on it too.

    His manager nominated Mr James as employee of the month, and has spoken highly of the security guards professionalism on the day. “He was extremely professional, caring and it was an outstanding performance by a member of our team.” She said.

    Not every day in the courts brings such drama for a security guard doing their job. Mr James himself said he had never experienced anything like that.

    However his quick thinking and awareness while at work are deserving of the praise he is receiving. In short he may well have saved the woman’s life. And there are not too many careers where that forms part of the job description. Nice work Mr James.

    Mr James outside Wolverhampton Crown Court

    Mr James outside Wolverhampton Crown Court.

    [Photo Credit: www.expressandstar.com]

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